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Disability Benefits & Employment Workshop: All about Youth!

  • Hire Me SC 720 Gracern Road, Suite 106 Columbia, SC 29210 (map)
A young adult female with long brown hair who has a disability, smiles at the camera. On a yellow background to the right, is the Able South Carolina logo and the words "Benefits Workshop for youth under 25" and the date and time.

• Are you under the age of 25, receive disability benefits, but want to work? 
• Have you been told that doing so would cause you to automatically lose your cash benefits or Medicaid? 
• If so, register for a FREE workshop to let us dispel some of the myths about working while receiving SSI/SSDI and connect you with local organizations that can help you with your job search! 

Join us on Thursday, February 23 from 10 AM - 12 PM through Zoom!

Registering ensures you get the link and all the materials needed. Registration closes on Wednesday, February 22. 

If you have any questions, contact and we will be happy to help!

For more information, email or call 1-800-681-7715/TTY: 864-235-8798

Earlier Event: October 19
Employer Summit